Find the moments that matter

Inform business decisions with a deeper understanding of your audio

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Finding the moments that matter
Explore our latest innovations designed to streamline your content workflow.
Our Summarization capability significantly reduces the time needed to analyze extensive qualitative data. Content summarization in paragraph or bullet point format that takes your media content from transcript to insights. Click here to learn how to add summarization to your next transcript order.
Our Translation capability connects your content with audiences worldwide and breaks down language barriers, offering precise translations in 11 languages. Click here to view supported languages.
Forced Alignment
Forced Alignment
Precise timestamps designed to enable advanced search capabilities, making it easier to locate and reference specific parts of content. Available in English, Spanish, and French. Try it out here.
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Language Identification
Automatically detect the primary language used in an audio or video file before transcribing it.
Language Identification takes an audio file and returns the most likely languages that was spoken. Language Identification provides valuable information about your user's audio moving through your platform and can be used to inform which language to submit your transcription and caption jobs in. See all 22 languages we offer for Language Identification here.
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Topic Extraction
Expose key themes and quotes in conversations or long form text.
Topic Extraction finds the top keywords, phrases, and themes from unstructured text content. The verbosity of the output can be changed with a simple adjust parameter.
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Sentiment Analysis
Uncover positive, neutral, and negative statements in your content.
Sentiment scores ranging from -1 to 1 identify positive, negative, and neutral sentiment in text. Operates on plain text or your Rev AI JSON output directly. With JSON, timestamps of supporting statements are also provided.
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Transcend barriers of communication with Rev AI

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