Human Transcription API for your most important audio and video files

Get 99%+ accuracy when you need it from Rev's network of professional transcribers, in API form.

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Human Transcription Desktop

Rev AI serves your industry

Companies use Rev AI for a multitude of use cases, including business intelligence, market and user research, meeting transcription, and scaling of manual tasks.

Media and entertainment
Media and entertainment
Caption your videos at scale, increase the accessibility and searchability of you content, and improve video editing efficiency.
Legal and compliance
Legal and compliance
Use AI speech recognition for digital depositions, eDiscovery, call recording, risk analysis, and court reporting.
Increase the accessibility of your lectures, webinars, and events with pre-recorded classes.
Call centers and analytics
Call centers and analytics
Monitor agent quality, train agents, classify calls, and conduct post-call analytics to improve the customer experience while reducing operational costs.

Guaranteed 99% accuracy
Guaranteed 99% accuracy
Rev's network of professional transcriber's ensure the highest quality transcripts.
Unified API
Unified API
Order both human and AI transcription using the same API.
Fast turnaround time
Fast turnaround time
Get human transcripts back in less than 12 hours.
Segment key sections
Segment key sections
Take the first pass at your transcript using automatic transcription, then have humans go through specified segments for high accuracy.
Custom vocabulary
Custom vocabulary
Share unique names, industry-specific terminology, and more to improve the accuracy of your transcripts (up to 20 terms).
Speaker names
Speaker names
Transcribers identify individual speakers in your audio.
Get your first Human Transcript
Once you receive your access token, send us your audio file using the POST endpoint. Retrieve it in minutes with the GET endpoint.
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Transcend barriers of communication with Rev AI

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